A 7-day wake-up program to shapen your body with an early morning workout

An integral part of a lifestyle change is making the decision to do it. Since you are reading this, you clearly want to make that change! Good for you! Taking part in a workout challenge is a fantastic way to jump start your fitness journey. This 7-day Weight Loss Workout challenge for beginners is an excellent place to start.

A 7-day wake-up program to help sharpen your body with the early morning workout.
Early Morning workouts aren’t meant for everyone, but it’s a trick that can help shapen your body and give you a life-changing transformation, once you make them part of your routine. To develop a new skill, you need discipline and consistency; this can be likened to your early morning fitness program.


Set your alarm to 15 minutes before the usual time you get out of bed. Not too bad for a newbie in the fitness gang right? Instead of making a cup of coffee, go for a glass of water to replenish your body and give you an instant boost. You then try some stretches and bending. Stretch your arms, legs, touch your knees, toes before eventually getting ready for your day.


Set your alarm for 20 minutes earlier than the usual time. You can try an energizing yoga sequence, just some simple reflexes and get your blood pumping.


Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier for a jog around the block, a quick walk. These can be groovy and fun listening to a hip-hop playlist that’s perfectly timed for your half-hour head start.


Get out of bed 45 minutes earlier for a HIIT workout at home. Sweating along to the rhythm of your playlist will help prevent you from drawing back into your comfy bed with a fluffy pillow.


TGIF! By Friday you should be ready to get out of bed an hour earlier! Treat yourself to your favorite fitness routine if you can. You can run around the block after which i advise you get yourself a celebratory coffee from your favorite café.


I know it’s Saturday, you need to sleep a couple of hours, do your laundry, but NO! You have to keep the momentum going, set your alarm an hour earlier. Commit yourself to your fitness routine; you can get a workout buddy; you can be accountable to each other.


It’s the last day of a week-long practice; you’ve got this covered. Rise an hour and a half earlier for any outdoor activity you like and don’t forget to be officially a morning workout person starting from tomorrow.

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