Stop Doing these Extremely Rude Things While Shopping

Leaving the cart in line at the checkout while shopping for other items

This is even more annoying than not being able to park properly due to an abandoned shopping cart. More than 80% of shoppers hate it when other people leave their shopping carts in the checkout line while they shop around for other items. If you want to avoid making other people angry, it’s best to finish your shopping before lining up for the checkout.

Invading other shoppers’ personal space in line

More than 90% of people admit to being extremely annoyed when other people are encroaching on their space on the checkout line. ‘Space invaders’ are not as hated as line-cutters, but they are not well-liked. Picture the following scenario: You are tired after work, had to go shopping for groceries and are now waiting in line with a full cart. You are probably dreading the whole unloading, and loading again routine when someone holding a bottle of juice starts pushing you gently. You wouldn’t mind letting someone who is only buying a single item go first unless they are showing this type of behavior.

Grocery shopping is an unpleasant experience for most of us, without taking into account other people’s lack of manners. In order to make shopping easier, we should all try to be nice, thoughtful, and civilized throughout the process of selecting and buying essential items.

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