Five Reasons to Play Board Kings

Board Kings will blow you away. It is the strategy of Monopoly with graphics and animation of infinite possibilities. There is something amazing about anticipating what twists and turns will arise and maybe even getting over on your friends.

1. Back to Getting Together and Communicating

Since this is a Board Game you can play with others, you have the option of connecting to Google Play Games and to Facebook. So you can include your current friends and new ones you will meet.It is probably more fun to play with your current group because you can even do it as a “get-together” night with them and enjoy the strategy and fight. Board games that evoke some childhood memories shared with adult friends on a whole new level. Now that is a reason to schedule a standing Thursday night at each other’s place to try to win. You can have competitions, prizes or incentives to keep on going.

2. It’s a Simple Game based on a long understood concept.

Most of us have played Monopoly, Game of Life and other board games of strategy. We even have our favorite piece. I know in Monopoly I always wanted the dog. When playing Board Kings, you have a choice of 4 game pieces. You are then dropped on the Start space and given a simple tutorial while you play the first few turns. It will guide you through the different types of spaces you can land on. It is thorough while not being too difficult to understand. Then, you are on your own to start building your town and terrorizing your group of Monopoly loving fans. The actual game board is filled with a variety of spaces,from chance card spots that give you bonuses, to a vending machine that gives out new game pieces. There is a piggy bank, some cop cars scattered around and even a space to steal money from other players.


3. You are in charge of your own town!!!!

The actual game board is filled with a variety of spaces, from chance card spots that give you bonuses, to a vending machine that gives out new game pieces. You can learn about all the spaces and strategies on your own with some Facebook friends before you have your friends get together. You can build your town to your liking and take over your friend’s earnings and be in control.

4. The graphics are outstanding.

If you think of how technology has evolved over time, well so has an old standby of board games. Comic books come to life in the form of Spiderman and Aquaman movies with incredible visuals. Well now you have a game from your childhood that comes to life. The cartoony board aesthetics are full of life and fun to look at from your starting point on Main Street. It takes you from city sights and sounds to the beachy Caribbean pirate town with unique and different visuals that entice you into the game. Each board has 10 different unlockable themed game pieces you can purchase from blind boxes in the vending machines. The boards all play the same but each has a unique look.

5. The game has a lot going on.

Board Kings is everything people love about board games revolved around town building in a mobile app setting. You build your town, you destroy your friend’s town and you collect items as you go along rolling dice. You always hope to roll a 6 so you can go to the next level. There is a bit of luck involved but is lots of fun on its own even if you are considering serious friend groups. Try it now and enjoy the building.

Download Board Kings Now

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