3 Celebrity Couples that Will Restore Our Faith in Love

Celebrity Couple #1 – Beyoncé and Jay-Z

Queen Bey and Jay-Z met in the early 2000s and because they hit it off immediately, they decided to record a song together –2002 hit single ‘Bonnie & Clyde’. Rumors of their relationship abounded for a while, without being confirmed, but their love for one another was difficult to hide. In 2003, the couple released another hit – ‘Crazy in Love’ and cemented their position as a celebrity power couple.

In an interview with Oprah, Beyoncé said that before they went on their first date, Jay-Z and she were good friends and spent a lot of time talking on the phone. That is how the solid foundation of their relationship was built.

InBeyoncé’s 2013 documentary, we get to witness Queen Bey’s beautiful birthday speech to her husband. She tells him that because she was so young when they started dating (20 years old), he was the one who taught her what it means to be a woman. She also said that it was he who taught her how to be a friend and how to live.

But as perfect as it might seem, Bey and Jay-Z’s relationship has gone through a fair share of difficult moments. The pressure, the spotlight, and fame can sometimes become a burden, especially when you are trying to solve your personal problems. However, the important thing is that their friendship helped them overcome all their hardships and we can still look up to them as a beautiful power couple. Seeing how their problems only solidified their relationship makes us believe in the true power of love.

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