10 Benefits of Eating a Cup of Chickpeas Daily

Weight control

As proteins give you the feeling of satiety, chickpeas are a great food to use if you’re planning to lose some weight. The fibers in the chickpeas have a complex blend of bioactive components which are helpful for your digestion. They work by slowing it down and promoting more efficient absorption of all those vitamins and minerals.

Stronger bones

As a good source of micro-nutrients and vitamins like manganese, selenium, calcium, vitamin K and magnesium, chickpeas will help your bones become stronger. All of these vitamins are important in the production of collagen as well. Make sure you soak your beans before cooking them, in order to reduce the amount of phytic acid they contain, which could potentially create mineral deficiencies. 

Keeps the blood sugar levels low

Being high in protein and fiber, chickpeas are a great way to control your blood sugar levels. It is a well-known fact known that fibers can lower the sugar levels in the blood, making chickpeas a good ingredient for people suffering from diabetes. By eating these beans rich in minerals like magnesium and zinc you can reduce the risk of type 2.

Improved digestion

Fibers found in the chickpeas will help your digestion by making their way through your whole digestive system and helping it run smoother. The high fiber amount can help decrease the risks of certain diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and even obesity. They are also responsible for nutrient absorption and the production of gut hormones.

Lower blood pressure and a healthier heart

Minerals that are involved in preventing high blood pressure such as magnesium and potassium, are found in considerable quantities in the chickpeas. They reduce the chances of suffering from a heart attack or a stroke. Moreover, „bad” cholesterol, or lipoprotein cholesterol, has been shown to be considerably reduced by the soluble fibers that are found in these beans.   

Brain enhancer

One nutrient that is found in chickpeas, choline, has been linked to better cognitive performance, neurodevelopment and brain functions. Besides choline, vitamins found in the beans, like B12, are also helpful for protecting the brain. So, one cheap and tasty way of improving your memory and enhancing your brain processes is by eating a cup of chickpeas daily!

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